Jurnal Temapela 2023-10-03T05:22:26-04:00 Marlia Novita Open Journal Systems labor dasar, labor, unand, universitas, andalas Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Cangkang Kerang Simping (Placuna placenta linnaeus) Untuk Pengolahan Limbah Cair Laboratorium 2023-10-03T05:22:26-04:00 Fitriyani Fitriyani Heryana Umrah Khusnul Yaqin <p><em>The pollutants contained in laboratory wastewater are phosphate, nitrate and ammonium . This study aims to determine the effectiveness of scallop shells (Placuna placenta linnaeus) as an adsorbent for the mentioned pllutants in laboratory wastewater. The scallop shells used in this study were converted into flour/powder with a particle size of 60 mess and activated at 800°C for 4 hours. Variations in the treatment of adding 10 g, 25 g and 50 g of scallop flour each with a contact time of 1 hour and three replications. Sample analysis was performed using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer method. The results of the ANOVA test analysis showed that the effectiveness of the scallop shell adsorbent in absorbing phosphate waste was not significantly different (pvalue &gt; 0.05) to the various treatments of the adsorbent. The absorption efficiency value of scallop shell adsorbent for heavy treatment on phosphate levels in laboratory waste was 97.60%, while for nitrate waste the absorption efficiency was 37.27%. The different doses of the adsorbent added showed a different 10 g treatment (p value 0.0454 &lt;0.05) from the 25 g treatment but not significantly different from the 50 g treatment (p vaue 0.999 &gt; 0.05). Whereas for ammonia waste there was no adsorption process after adding scallop shell adsorbent. The results showed that scallop shell waste has the potential as an adsorbent in laboratory waste to reduce phosphate and nitrate levels.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-10-03T04:53:08-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect Of Constructing Wastewater Treatment Treatments (Wwtp) With Filtration Media For Reducing Bod5 And Cod Levels Of The Laboratory Wastewater Of The Poso Midwifery Study Program Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu 2023-10-03T05:18:31-04:00 Marlina Fitriya Lailatul K Lisda Widianti Longgupa Khuzaifah Khuzaifah Khuzaifah <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of establishing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) coupled with filtration media for decreasing levels of BOD<sub>5</sub> and COD in laboratory wastewater. The research used quasi experimental method with one group pretest posttest design. The statistical test was used through the non-parametric test, namely Wilcoxon. The results showed that there was a decrease in the average COD level score before treated with the intervention, which was 144.515 (SD = 80.39). The the average COD level score after the intervention was 39.877 (SD = 22.236) with an average decrease of 104.638. Meanwhile, the average score of BOD5 levels before the intervention was 73.375 (SD = 41,505) and the average score after the intervention was 19,826 (SD = 11,539) with an average decrease of 53.549. The statistical test showed that there was a significant difference in between before and after the intervention with a value of 0.000 (p&lt;0.05). Regarding to the obtained results,it can be concluded that there is an effect of making WWTP with filtration media on the reduction of BOD5 and COD levels of wastewater at the Poso Midwifery Laboratory of Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu</em></p> 2023-10-03T04:57:58-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efficiency and Effectiveness of Defatting with Various Extraction Methods and Solvent Purity 2023-10-03T05:18:31-04:00 Nugraha Yuwana Ni Ketut Leseni <p>Chemical analysis in the laboratory such as crude fiber content, dietary fiber content or starch content generally required defatting which made the analysis more optimal. Some defatting was done by maceration method but there were some methods such as soxhlet (lfat content analysis) and an extraction method using one extractor or single soxhlet. The solvents used for defatting grades also vary, such as pro-analyst and technical. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 levels factor for factors A and B, and 2 levels factor of factor C. Factor A was the type of raw material, while factor B and C were defatting method and solvent purity, respectively. The results showed that the use of various defatting methods and differences in solvent purity/grade had a significant effect on sesame seeds, chicken meat, and sausages. The samples fat which extracted the most, were sesame seeds used the single Soxhlet method and pro-analyst benzene solvent. The highest extracted fat of sesame seeds achieved 93% with single Soxhlet method. In general, the most optimal defatting method recommended for continued research or laboratory practice was single soxhlet with pro-analyst or technical solvents.</p> 2023-10-03T05:04:32-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Teknik Isolasi, Pemurnian dan Karakteristik Bakteri Penghasil Senyawa Antibiotik Pada Tanah di Kawasan Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNSRI 2023-10-03T05:18:31-04:00 Rosmania Rosmania Winta Efrinalia Ani Rahmi <p>Usaha untuk mendapatkan bakteri yang menghasilkan senyawa antibiotik terus menerus dilakukan, ini dikarenakan banyak antibiotik yang resisten terhadap bakteri penyebab infeksi sehingga muncul jenis bakteri yang lain yang struktur DNAnya sudah berubah. Metode isolasi yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan bakteri adalah s<em>pread plate method</em> (sebar). Metode ini digunakan karena bakteri penghasil senyawa antibiotik yang dihasilkan ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona bening disekitar koloni bakteri, sehingga mudah dilakukan pemurnian bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri penghasil senyawa antibiotik dengan teknik <em>spread plate method</em> (sebar) yang sesuai dengan <em>Good Laboratory Practice</em> untuk digunakan sebagai bahan praktikum di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi. Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi isolasi dan pemurnian bakteri, uji aktivitas antibakteri, karakterisasi morfologi dan biokimia. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa teknik isolasi dengan <em>spread plate method</em> (sebar) menghasilkan bakteri penghasil antibiotik yang baik dengan isolat bakteri terbaik yang didapat adalah isolat BA5 yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri <em>Escherichia coli</em> ATCC 25922, memiliki karakter morfologi berbentuk irregular, gram positif, bentuk sel basil, memiliki endospora, aerob dan tidak memiliki katalase.</p> 2023-10-03T05:09:27-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Freewheeling DC Terkontrol Untuk Menunjang Praktikum Elektronika Daya 2023-10-03T05:18:32-04:00 I Wayan Lastera <p>Controlled DC is a type of DC voltage ignition involving power electronic components, as an effort to meet the electrical power needs of certain loads, whether resistive, inductive or capacitive. In power electronics practicum, controlled DC testing with inductive loads is less than optimal due to equipment limitations. To overcome this, in this research a controlled DC freewheeling design was created and tests were carried out: 1. Controlled DC testing with a resistive load in series with an inductive whose inductance value was varied without applying freewheeling. 2. Controlled DC testing with a resistive load in series with an inductive load whose inductance value is varied by applying freewheeling. The aim of this research is to determine the potential of freewheeling design, as an effort to further optimize controlled DC performance testing with resistive, inductive and capacitive loads in power electronics practicum. The test data obtained was tabulated, analyzed descriptively. The results obtained show that in test 1, the DC output voltage has a part left on the negative side. In test 2, the DC output voltage has no part left on the negative side. Freewhweeling functions well and makes testing in power electronics practicum more optimal.</p> 2023-10-03T05:15:15-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##